Where attention goes, commerce follows. And right now, that's a highway leading into immersive online spaces. It's time do dig in.
Using AI to write more and faster while keeping your unique perspective and original ideas.
In a world where everyone becomes creators and user-generated content platforms are thriving, traditional entertainment IP have to lean in; Transitioning from products to platforms.
And how different types of entertainment will be incentivized to increase audience participation in the battle for attention.
Why movie theaters are special and how NFT tickets can amplify that.
Quick warm-up question: When was the last time you received a marketing email in your inbox that inspired you to click through and buy something?
Exploring how Hollywood can leverage web3, and how web3 might change Hollywood.
Wallet Thesis Field Notes #1. Who gets to control the gates to the next layer of the internet?
A new layer of the internet requires a new set of marketing tools.
New name, new purpose, and (almost) a new year. Welcome to In/Transit.
We take certain things for granted in the physical world. The lack of the same things in our digital worlds is a limitation. Web3 will change that.
The OG Bob returns to Disney. I expect big moves and changes. We have to wait to see what he has in store for us. In the meantime, we can speculate. Let's get to it.